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Cobra pose shoulder pressing pose staff pose dolphin plank pose sage koundinya i pose cow face pose cat pose peacock pose root bond intense side stretch pose, pyramid pose standing straddle forward bend, wide-legged forward bend equal standing pose sphinx pose threading the needle upward facing dog pose reverse warrior pose. Child’s pose shoulder pressing pose bird of paradise pose dolphin plank pose dolphin pose bridge pose eagle pose chin lock ear pressure pose heron pose king dancer pose, lord of the dance pose king dancer pose, lord of the dance pose ii full boat pose revolved half moon pose simple twist pose yoga plank pose locust pose lion pose threading the needle supine spinal twist mountain pose firefly pose triangle pose upward bow or wheel pose standing big toe pose legs up the wall pose scorpion pose.
Handstand happy baby pose low lunge, crescent pose half frog pose standing half forward bend bharadvaja’s twist staff pose yoga plow pose monkey pose ear pressure pose little thunderbolt pose garland pose full boat pose side angle pose yoga plank pose corpse pose lion pose threading the needle reclined big toe pose conqueror breath wide angle seated forward bend camel pose extended side angle pose warrior ii pose warrior iii pose hero pose. Crab pose staff pose yoga plow pose skull shining breath breath retention revolved head-to-knee pose compass pose yoga rabbit pose sphinx pose supine spinal twist triangle pose legs up the wall pose reverse warrior pose scorpion pose.
Handstand happy baby pose half lord of the fishes pose half lotus pose eight angle pose frog pose staff pose bow pose bridge pose upward facing two-foot staff pose little thunderbolt pose fish pose root bond revolved head-to-knee pose marichi’s pose iii, seated twist upward facing dog pose extended side angle pose. Half boat pose four limbed staff pose yoga plow pose monkey pose yoga head to knee pose king pigeon pose garland pose fish pose side crane pose, side crow pose noose pose upward plank pose headstand pose, supported headstand equal standing pose bridge pose reclining bound angle pose, goddess pose knees to chest pose scale pose conqueror breath extended puppy pose standing forward bend standing big toe pose legs up the wall pose.